Traveling to Australia from Canada can be an expensive vacation. Here is a practical easy to follow guide on supplementing the cost of your Australian vacation using the Subclass 417 Visa. Also known as the Working Holiday Maker Visa.
The world is getting smaller everyday. With multiple Internet sites offering last minute deals on cheap airfare and a great work exchange program already in place doing a working holiday visa in Australia can be accomplished quite easily. Although it’s true, in comparison to the United States and Canada Australia is quite expensive. Fortunately the minimum wage there is also considerably higher which means if you are on a limited budget and you are not too picky about where you work or what you do you can offset the cost of your vacation considerably. If you are really smart about it you can finance another trip in addition to getting to see Australia. Which in itself is one of the most beautiful countries in the world.
Step 1: Your Passport
First things first. A valid passport. You will need a valid passport before doing anything further. You should ensure your passport is going to be valid for as long as you intend to stay abroad. My personal opinion is to renew it before you leave. More than likely your travel path will change. You may even love Australia so much that you decide to stay for a second year. I will touch on extension options later in this post. A Canadian passport is valid for 5 years from the date of issue. So, if you only have a year or so left before your passport expires save yourself some dramas and renew it now.
More information on Canadian Passports can be found by visiting Passport Canada’s Website at
Step 2: Working Visa
Okay. Your passport is ready and you’ve already got your backpack picked out from the nearest Mountain Equipment Co-op . Before you stuff your bag with an assortment of beach clothes you are going to need a subclass 417 Australian Visa otherwise known as a Working Holiday Visa. This visa is quite easy to apply for on line using the Australian Government Department of Immigration website. My experience with the application process was great. I applied and received my Visa approval the same day. I have heard different stories from different people so it is best not to leave your visa application until the last minute. Your visa is valid for 12 months starting the day you arrive in Australia so if you apply and are approved a few months in advance it will not cut into the time you are allowed to spend down under. The full requirements of the subclass 417 visa can be found on the Australian Government Department of Immigration website. However probably the biggest requirements are citizenship and age. You must be 30 years of age or under when you apply. Meaning, if you are 30 now its not too late. As long as your visa is applied for while you are still 30 years old. If you have your 31st birthday down under it will be a great one and you will be allowed to remain in the county for the duration of your visa.