RIM Shareholders Push for Jim Balsillie and Mike Lazaridis to step down.

A group of Blackberry producer RIM shareholders are pursuing a change in leadership that would see co-founders Mike Lazaridis and Jim Balsillie replaced in their current roles with-in the company.

Their replacement, Barbara Stymiest who joined Research in Motion LTD. in 2007  is believed to be the leading candidate to replace Jim Balsillie and Mike Lazaridis.

Lazaridis and Balsillie have resisted past attempts to strip them of their multifaceted roles within the company.

As co-founders they currently own 12% of RIM’s outstanding shares, making them second and third largest shareholders in a company where no single investor one owns more than 10% of the stock.

One thought on “RIM Shareholders Push for Jim Balsillie and Mike Lazaridis to step down.

  1. These guys are at making RIM look like another Kodak. If they are not willing to embrace new technologies while their customer base switches to other products that offer what they want they should be replaced by someone who will.

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