Graphic Design Sample #1: Info-graphic Resume

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For my first portfolio object I have decided to create an info-graphic resume.  I need a new resume so why not kill two birds with one stone. I want to go for something non-traditional that will incorporate solid design principals and also give me some more experience working with the Adobe Creative Suite  while I’m at it.


To create a resume that stands out amongst the crowd.

To create a resume that presents a professional appearance.

To showcase my design and technology skills through imagery not just words.

To present my resume on a single page.


I have never created an info-graphic resume before!

I will need to familiarize myself with photo production programs and layout editors.

I need to pick visually aesthetic elements and appropriate typography.


Adobe Photoshop

Adobe In-Design


4-6 Weeks

Phase 1: Planning and Preparation

To prepare for my info graphic resume I have started watching tutorial videos on Adobe InDesign which I will use to layout my info-graphic resume.



Sketch #1:  Very rough idea of how I would like to layout my new resume (please excuse my ridiculous writing)

I would like the resume to be separated into blocks.  Almost like a modular website.



Step 2: Getting into Adobe InDesign

Applied Principles: Balance, Symmetry.

“Balance in design is the artists ability to balance the visual information in a composition.” (Saw, 2002)

Today I worked on laying out the frame work for my Infographic resume using Adobe InDesign.  I learned a few valuable lessons.  One was how to use the guides to center and align all of the objects in my document.  Another was the use of the frame tool to setup text and image holders. Finally, that my computer is not powerful enough to render lengthy screen captures.  I was recording and narrating as I worked but when I went to save the video my laptop spent a couple of hours attempting to render before finally crashing my PC.  I decided to re-create without recording the entire process. The video below will illustrate my progress. In the video I  insert a frame (text area) that will eventually house the contact details of my new resume. I then make use of the guides to align the object with other objects on the page.

Step 3: Building the Elements

Design Principles: Unity, Personality, Color, Typography.

So as this is an Info-GRAPHIC resume I figured I needed some graphics.

I have decided to include a picture of myself. I know it’s not common practice in Canada but I figured it’s a good way to add some personality to the document.


Kevin Mooney Canada

Figure 1: It’s Me!

For the picture I used Adobe Photoshop to remove the background of the image.  I want to keep the color palette consistent so I have replaced the background of the image with a light blue (#3399CC).

I also added a pie chart and a timeline to not only add some color but to also showcase my skill set and educational history visually. Finally, I have chosen to a use a Myriad Pro font as it is nice and easy to read and looks exceptionally clean when justified.

Challenge: In my original design I had laid out room for widgets but I found it difficult to present the timeline in a square. I had to adjust the lay out a little bit to accomodate the horizontal timeline.

Outcomes: Overall I think I did a good job of following the design cycle and using appropriate graphic design principles where they were necessary.  The colors are professional and will communicate the emotions I am trying to convey (Singh, 2006) and the resume also employs color psychology principles (Nijdam, 2009). The typography is clear and easy to read.  I think the design is also well balanced and symmetrical (Ngo, 2001). It’s not overly cluttered like some of the info-graphic resumes I saw when I was conceptualizing the idea for mine.  The inclusion of a picture adds a bit of personality and I like the idea of presenting my  information visually as opposed to a stand text based resume.Furthermore, this project gave me a chance to do something practical with Adobe InDesign and Photoshop so it also contributed to my technical aptitudes.


Jansen, B. J. (1998). The graphical user interface. ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, 30(2), 22-26.

Ngo, D. C. L., (2001). Screen design: composing with dynamic symmetry. Displays, 22(4), 115-124.

Nijdam, N. A. (2009). Mapping emotion to color.

Singh, S. (2006). Impact of color on marketing. Management Decision, 44(6), 783-789.

Wallis, L. (2007). The psychology of colour choice | PrintWeek. The psychology of colour choice | PrintWeek. Retrieved October 15, 2014, from



Final Product:


 imagebot_com-2012042714194724316PEER ASSESSMENT INFO-GRAPHIC RESUME