One of my friends just graduated from the University of Ottawa. She asked me the other day if i was writing a thesis and I told her that I was. She asked what the subject matter was and I told her I was investigating student perceptions of language learning through mobile technology. She asked…..”Why?” That was […]
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The basis of my theoretical frame work are the two types of language sets ELL experts such as Jim Cummins use to differentiate between social and academic language vocabulary possessed by English language learners. Cummins theorized that there are two distinct types of language proficiency possessed by ELLs. Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills (BICS) and Cognitive Academic Language […]
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The connection between vocabulary and reading comprehension
If somebody were to ask why I believe mobile language learning or text based language learning can be an effective addition to traditional language instruction I’m not quite sure I would have an articulate answer to give them. Naturally, I might respond by saying something along the lines of “modern day students are going to use […]
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Qualitative Research Methodology
I presented my theoretical framework in class this past Monday. One of the comments I received was to be prepared to counter criticisms that may come from using interviews as a data source. Based on advice from Dr. Li I have started doing some reading on using qualitative research data. I did a quick search […]
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ZPD: Scaffolding Through Technology
Another theory that I will be using in my thesis is the Vygotsky concept of the zone of proximal development. The Zone of Proximal Development refers to the difference between what a learner can achieve without help and what a learner can achieve with help (Vygotsky, 1979). The term scaffolding is commonly linked with ZPD and […]
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Literature Review
I continued to do some interesting reading this weekend. This weekend I am focusing on the importance of vocabulary for reading comprehension. The argument that I am trying to make is that students need to possess a functional vocabulary to fully comprehend the written materials they will encounter in academic settings. One of the […]
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