Wow! I can’t believe it’s over. My presentation went quite well in my opinion. I received a few emails from classmates and professors afterwards with some very supportive and encouraging feedback. I am quite relieved to have survived the ‘red light’ ! Looking forward to my panel interview and then hopefully…….graduation!
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Email is dead.
Another interesting revelation from my research review this week. I discovered that students in this study generally approved of receiving their learning materials through their phones vs their laptop. They specifically cited the text message being more convenient and helpful than email. This is an interesting discovery for me. I traditionally associate my text messages with personal communication and my email for more formal things […]
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Some themes emerge!
So I have been using the QDA analysis software to begin to analyze my interview transcripts. The software is great it generate reports based on the frequency of applied tags/codes. The most frequently applied code revolved around technology use, specifically mobile phones. Throughout the transcripts of the 8 interviews 57 passages of text were […]
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Themes and Word counts
I have almost finished analyzing my research interviews. Some recurrent themes and revelations from this past weekend: 1. In each interview there was a theme of preference to mobile technology over digital. Participants reported checking their phones more frequently then their laptops. They also read text messages as they were received vs emails which were […]
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Coding the research
I have been coding my research all week. I found a handy piece of software called QDA Minor Lite ( The software makes it much easier to label sections of text with a theme/code. It also has the ability to produce reports based on user inputs. I had originally intended to code manually by printing […]
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60 WPM
So my transcription is done! …..well almost. Half an interview to go then I can start analyzing the results. Transcribing is quite a skill. I admittedly looked into transcription services at one point (one night when my fingers and wrists just couldn’t take it anymore). Some were charging up to $1.00 per minute…. this didn’t […]
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